Coronary Angiography and Stent (up to 3 stents) Placement for the heart
“Prior to the coronary angiograpfy, the patient must be fasting. Laboratory tests, ECG and ultrasound of the heart must precede as well.
During the examination the patient is awake. Initially, local anesthesia is performed on the skin, followed by the insertion of a plastic tube, through which special catheters enter up to the beginning of the coronary vessels under X ray control.
Subsequently the injection of a contrast agent is performed achieving the imaging of the vessels and their anatomy. In case of severe stenosis in one or more vessels (up to 3), angioplasty (balloon) with stent is performed.
A special wire is passed through catheters through the stenosis point. Afterwards, a thin balloon, which expands at high pressures, passes through the wire. Then a metal or other material, drug eluting stent is placed at the site of the stenosis point, which prevents the recurrence of the stenosis. This is usually followed by re-expansion of a balloon inside the stent to prevent restenosis.
Finally, the catheters are removed and the area is compressed for a few hours. A 3 -days hospitalization are required for Coronary Angiography and Stent (up to 3 stents) Placement.”
Clinical Pathway
Investigations (Preoperative check-up)
- Urea
- Creatinine
- aPTT
- K+
- Na+
- HBsAg
- Cardiological assessment
- Neurology assessment
- Chest X-ray
- Urinalysis
- Carotid Triplex
- CT or Digital or MRI angiorgaphy
- 3 days – ICU for 8 hours
- On the 2nd day (day of surgery)
Days of Hospitalisation
- 3 days
1st f-up Appointment, Wound Check, Removal of Stiches/Clips
- In 1 week clinical assessment by treating physician – suture removal, Carotid Triplex
2nd f-up Appointment
- In 1 month
Return to Work
- 1 week
Type of Investigation – Clinical Assessment
- Clinical assessment -Carotid Triplex
To be Avoided
- Will be on pharmacological treatment