Prevention & Wellness
The Medical Prevention, Diagnosis & Wellness Centers of Athens Medical Group apply a multidisciplinary approach, specifically tailored to each patient’s needs. Our team of highly specialized Medical Doctors is led by an Internist Coordinator, who oversees the overall process and acts as a single point of contact.
A proper medical check up can often prove to be crucial in determining potential health problems. It does not only aim to diagnose existing conditions, but also enables the evaluation of key risk factors, in order to develop a preventive strategy, specifically tailored to the visitor’s lifestyle choices, promoting longevity and wellness.
That’s why, is our state-of-the-art Medical Prevention & Wellness Center, we have created 65 different check up programs for men, women and children, that offer a complete picture of the patient’s health, assess all possible implicit threats and, if required, refer the patient to prophylactic procedures or treatment.