IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Department
Why us
FIVI fertility and IVF center is situated and is part of the European Interbalkan Medical Center (EIMC) of Thessaloniki, one of the best hospitals in North East Europe and The Most Modern and Comprehensive Medical Center in Europe according to the Imperial College London
With eyes to the future, values like anthropocentrism, caring and optimism find their place in FIVI who invites the couples to fall into her experienced hands in order to find their path to the new dawn.
Our philosophy
Guided by our strong belief in patient care, our drive for innovation and our scientific expertise, we co-shape developments in human-assisted reproduction. With respect and devotion to our cause, we treat each couple based on their individual needs realizing their dream to create a family.
Our people
FIVI’s highly specialized scientific staff is consisting of 20 doctors and embryologists of international status as well as other scientific specialties with at least 20 to 30 years of experience in assisted reproduction.
Οur services
- Investigation of Female and Male Infertility
- Ovulation Monitoring and Ovulation Induction
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Spindle view during Intacytoplasmic sperm injection
- Husband/partner or donor sperm intra uterine Insemination
- IVF in Natural Cycle or modified natural cycle
- IVF with egg donation or/and sperm donation
- Embryo culture and transfer to Blastocyst stage
- Laser Assisted Embryo Hatching
- Preimplantation Genetic testing for chromosomal abnormalities or hereditary disorders
- Embryo cryopreservation using the vitrification method at all stages of embryo development
- Egg Cryopreservation using the Vitrification
- Method for fertility preservation
- Semen Analysis and culture for the presence of microorganisms
- Sperm Apoptosis and DNA fragmentation test
- Semen Cryopreservation
- Surgical Sperm Retrieval/biopsy (FNA/TESE/TESA)
- Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation
FIVI’s laboratory is one of the most modern in Europe and is equipped among others with:
- Independent Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) ensuring “clean room”air conditions with low VOC levels increasing pregnancy and “take home baby” rates.
- RI electronic witnessing system, achieving the ultimate level of security and traceability of the couple’s gametes as every step of the IVF process is recorded.
- XiltriX monitoring and alarm system, the first installed in Greece, providing 24 hour monitoring of all the embryo culture and laboratory parameters.
- New generation incubators ideal for extended culture (blastocyst stage) providing undisturbed culture environment maximizing the pregnancy and take-home baby rates.
- Class II workstations protecting from external contamination when handling the genetic material.
- Olympus microscopes for the best optical quality when selecting the embryos.
- Two different laser systems-Saturn and Octax- making assisting hatching and embryo biopsy easy, fast and safe from additional stress.
- Spindle view. A tool that increases the fertilization rates and reduces oocyte damage after the ICSI procedure.
Your medical expert
I will take care of all your medical travel needs and find the best specialists and clinics for you.

Christos Pappas
In virto fertilization

Fotios Goutzioulis
In virto fertilization

John Tzafetas
In virto fertilization